These numbers are based on an inflated exchange rate of $1.45 per £1.00.
This is the projected exchange rate for fall of 2021. 

At 48%, the largest chunk of our monthly budget goes toward our living expenses:

$1200 - Rent & Utilities

$580 - Food

$270 - Car: fuel, maintenance, tax, and insurance

$70 - Cell phone & internet services

In addition to tithing, other parts of our monthly budget include:

Taxes: $400

Various savings: $350

Ministry Expenses: $150

 Personal care (eye, dental, haircuts, and clothing): $125

Various Insurance: $115

Toiletries & household goods: $100

Website and Transfer Fees: $100 

Christmas, birthdays, and kid’s clubs (like swimming lessons and music classes): $100

 Also in our budget is the sending organisation we’re planning to partner with as soon as possible. They charge a percentage fee for handling our donations, which will take the place of New Horizons’ fee. Our sending organisation will also provide regular support services to us each month and as needed, which we do not get from New Horizons. Once we are fully funded, we expect their fee to be around $400 a month. New Horizon’s would charge $330 for the same donations, with much fewer services.